Property Insurance

Buildings and contents insurance is placed under the bracket of home insurance.

It is a combined insurance that will cover or replace any damage that might occur to the house or its contents, including loss. It is essential for all mortgaged houses, and the majority of other homeowners who do not have a mortgage will also have this type of insurance. It is possible to get the two insurances separately, although you will find that most providers offer them as a combined cover.

Some mortgage suppliers will make this type of insurance compulsory when you take out a mortgage with them, to cover their loan. Otherwise, this insurance is highly recommended to protect you against unforeseen circumstances. Virtually every home in the country will have this type of insurance just for that reason, and it could end up proving to be very costly if you do not take the cover out.

Property Insurance Services

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday 08.30am to 6pm
Appointments available after hours by request

Mortgage Advice @ Malone

First time buyer, Moving home, Remortgaging my home, Buying a property to rent, Help to Buy, Shared ownership home, Mortgage Process, Mortgage Glossary

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